In Rural Kansas, Telemedicine Boosts Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
A doctor and CEO explains how telemedicine can improve hospital care as the number of non-physician clinicians rises.
PARADE Met Its Goals. What's Next?
Lessons from GlaxoSmithKline’s app-based study can benefit healthcare companies.
The Rise of the Mobile Health Study
After hitting 3 key goals, GlaxoSmithKline’s PARADE could help change data collection.
Paving the Path for Voice-Controlled AI in Pharma
What needs to happen before Alexa answers questions about your meds?
When Are Patients Willing to Share Their Data?
More often than you might think, panelists said. But only for the right reasons.
Why Healthcare Companies Shouldn't Shy Away from Tech Partnerships
Risk is inherent, one Takeda exec said. But the potential is clear.
Precision for Medicine Acquires Molecular Diagnostics Lab Epiontis
The buyer touted the lab company's "unique epigenetic technology and expertise."
What to Consider Before Partnering with a Young Tech Company
Takeda Pharmaceuticals uses this rubric to know what it’s getting into. You can, too.
How Mayo Clinic Plans to Use Data to Fight Pointless Lab Tests
They waste time and money. Can electronic health records help?
How the 1st Pharma Chat Bot Came to Life
And what healthcare executives and innovators can learn from its launch.
Former CMS Head McClellan Among Those Named to Board of Directors at New ACO Institute
McClellan will be joined by a roster of other healthcare industry veterans and experts.
The Struggle to Highlight the Importance of Healthcare Analytics
A Mayo Clinic physician and engineer, Jean Huddleston, MD, describes how healthcare companies can benefit from multidisciplinary “translators.”
Is Gamification the Key to Wearables?
The method pushed people to exercise more often, a new study found.
New Model Predicts Which Lung Cancer Patients Will Go to ER
How data could spur cost savings in treating a disease that's expected to cost $14.7B per year.
How Hospitals Innovate Incorrectly, According to Clayton Christensen
The acclaimed author of The Innovator's Dilemma explained to hospital leaders what they need to do to disrupt rather than just sustain.
Experts Agree: EMR Systems Need to Be Revamped
In a panel at the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation's Transform conference, healthcare leaders went so far as to call current systems "crude" and "corrosive."
How 100K Chest X-Ray Images Could Improve AI and Patient Health
The National Institutes of Health says it’s one of the largest data sets ever made public.
To Get Better Doctors, Teach Them to Think Like Designers
Burnout is a problem. This medical school dean says innovation and good old-fashioned empathy can help.
How Might the FDA's New Pilot Program Transform Digital Health?
As participants like Apple and Samsung prepare to huddle, Pear Therapeutics sees the upside.
Why We Need to Look at Healthcare Innovation Differently
The man who ran Medicare and Medicaid under President Obama speaks out.
Talking Value, Culture, and CAR-T with the CMO of Mayo Medical Labs
Curtis Hanson, MD, sat down to discuss the role of laboratory testing in the pursuit of value-based care.
How 690M Outpatient Visits Painted an Alarming Picture of the Opioid Crisis
And what can physicians learn from data linked to questionably prescribed pain meds?
Chasing AI-Powered Diagnoses of Heart Disease, Analytics 4 Life Gets $25M
The company’s largest round of funding underscores the strength of a device and an algorithm.
Computer Models Used to Predict Progression of Parkinson's Disease in Patients
How data led to a discovery that could accelerate the development of new drugs.
Why the FDA is Making It Easier for Tech Heavyweights to Get Approvals
Companies like Apple, Fitbit, and Johnson & Johnson are among those in a new pre-certification pilot program.
Deep Genomics Lands $13M on Promise of AI's Future in Medicine
Why the Canadian genetic medicine startup Deep Genomics earned the money.
C-Suite Q&A: Cureatr's William Winkenwerder, CEO and MD
"Your IT vision needs to relate to your business: who you want to be and how you want to perform. It’s always in service to that, not just an independent pursuit of gadgetry."
23andMe Gets Large Investment, Announces Survey Findings
The American public is interested in consumer DNA testing, but lacking in knowledge about genetics and privacy.
Meta-Analysis Shows Mobile Apps Can Help with Depression
Study shows certain apps may help manage mental health symptoms, but does not address speculation that smartphones may have negative mental health impacts overall.
Precision Medicine Treatments are Coming, but Who Will Pay?
Precision Medicine Group today launched its Precision Value & Health initiative to try to find ways to address that question.